All foster families must meet the following requirements:
Submit a completed application
Clear a background check for all individuals in the house over the age of 14.
Be a responsible, mature, healthy adult at least 21 years of age.
Couples must be legally married for at least two years.
Have at least a high school diploma or GED.
Sufficient minimum income level.
Dependable transportation, a driver's license and auto liability insurance.
A 80 square foot bedroom dedicated to 1-2 children fostered. 40 sq.ft per each additional child.
Willing to abide by a policy of no physical discipline.
Be a legal resident or citizen of the United States of America.
Complete & have an approved home study by a licensed Guardian’s Promise staff member.

​After meeting the initial requirements, Foster families will need to complete the following training: ( 30 hours )
Comprehensive pre-certification foster parent training which includes but is not limited to:
Behavior Management Intervention.
CPR/First Aid training obtained through a certified state provider.
Medication administration
Additional training will be required for fostering children under two years old.

Once families meet phase 1 and phase 2 of the application process, a license will be issued. Guardian’s Promise is licensed to serve children at the basic, moderate, and specialized levels.
After the placement of a child, a Guardian’s Promise staff member will visit your home monthly to provide emotional and practical support. A staff member is available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, we can coordinate respite services to provide you with rest as needed. Through our contract with Texas Department of Family & Protective Services (DFFPS), we provide financial reimbursement to foster families in the great Houston area. ** 30 hours of training is required annually for foster parents.